J'siris Tia

Adventurer – Frontiersman – Pacifist Monk – The Death HandA kind-hearted and gentle giant, a humble man seeking his own peace...


Name: J'siris TiaNickname: "Siris", "Ausir", "J", "Big Guy", "The Death Hand"
Age: 32Gender: Male
Race: Miqo'teClan: Seeker of the Sun
Orientation: AsexualMarital: Not Interested
Family: Chee Angharad/J'baste Ava (Baby Sister), D'hula Angharad (Brother-In-Law), M'ontu Tia (Nephew), A'yusu Khepri (Niece)Diety: Azeyma, the Warden
Nationality: Ul'dah; Moved to Limsa Lominsa; Jackal of the Sagoli Shining MountainsOccupation: Frontiersman, Pacifist Monk/Fist of Rhalgr
Alignment: Chaotic GoodResidence: The Mist; Wanders
Free Company: Fera IntusVoice Claim: Roland (Phil LaMarr – Dragon Age: Absolution)

J'siris Tia, second son of one J'rah Nunh of the Jackal of the Sagoli Shining Mountains, is the very definition of the term "gentle giant". He is a friendly, out-going and a kind-hearted and humble man.
He can be a very silly man, often appearing oblivious to all things around him. Nonetheless, he has nothing but good graces, good humor and a good heart.Above everything else, J'siris is deeply and profoundly loyal to his family, his home tribe and anyone he calls "friend". Deeply loving, warm and loving, he is, in essence, the ultimate big brother.Sorrowful and traumatic things have done happened in this gentle man's life. He has since taken a Vow of Pacifism. A trained Monk in the Traditions of the Fists of Rhalgr, he follows the path of spirituality, peace, compassion, and faith.J'siris is a man of whom is at his happiest living a simple and humble life: doting on his family, wandering the wild frontier lands of Eorzea and beyond, cooking and carpentry, and being little more than a peaceful hermit-monk, continuing his spiritual practice.Motivations: Freedom, to seek out and explore the wilder frontier lands of Eorzea, to run his restaurant, to watch over his family. To keep his Vow of Pacifism.Disposition: Friendly, warm, out-going and very empathetic. He is quick to lend aid and comfort, and is very kind. He has a deeper understanding of the moral and ethical grays of the world, but holds his vow of Pacifism to the utmost.Outlook: Friendly, warm, kind and playful and full of energy. There is a deep sense of sorrow and loss, as well as an empathy forged by an understanding that the world is often not kind at all.

Positive Traits
Warm, Friendly, Very Much a "Big Brother" type, Playful, Empathetic, Easy-Going, Creative and highly passionate about cooking, may or may not be a secret romantic, a big giant goofy dork
Negative Traits
Exhausted, World-Weary, Hides Perpetual Anger and Bitterness, Resentful, Struggles with his Pacifist Vow, Violent Streak just barely simmering below the surface
Wooden trinkets and toys, Carpentry, Cooking/Food (VERY MUCH SO), Ale, Kittens, Children, Growing Flowers/Gardening, Meditation, Herbal Remedies/Tea, The Wilderness/Outdoors in General, Hunting and Camping, Fishing, Singing Cheesy Romantic Songs
Spiders, Injustice, Wrong-doers not being held accountable, Liars/Betrayers, Spiders, His hair being messed with, Sitting still, Spiders, Criminals, Spiders, Not being able to keep his sister/his family safe, Spiders, Gods-Awful Cooking/Food, SPIDERS
Favorite Food: Anything he can cook! Favorite Drink: A good stout ale! Favorite Color:Golds, Earthy Browns. Favorite Flower: Honeysuckle, Baby's Breath. Favorite Scent: Jasmine Flower; Seasalt. Favorite Place: The Sagoli Sands; Old Forests. Favorite Vices: Cute Kittens; Bugging/Doting On His Family
Very particular about his hair! Stupidly long, stupidly fluffy, stupidly expressive tail! Most fidgety and always in motion. Often seen carving or whittling something out of wood. Appears to be rather scatter-brained and oblivious. May or may not be an entirely hopeless romantic!
Spiders, Failing His Family, Not Being Able to Protect the People he Loves, Spiders, Failing his Sister, Rivals from his past, Spiders, His past catching up to him, SPIDERS
Talented wood-carver, MOST Talented cook!, Excellent brawler and fist-fighter, Empathetic/Observant, Talented Singer, Good at playing the Spoons, Most excellent kitten-wrangler, Amateur Herbalist, Wood-carving/Carpentry, Cooking, Drinking Ale, Caring for Others, People-watching, Meditation, Martial Training, Toy-making, Collecting Hunting Knives, Singing Cheesy Songs, Outdoorsy-Stuff


Height: 6 fulm, 5 Ilm - J’siris is a giant of both a man and a Miqo'te! Apparently he eats enough eggs in the morning.Weight: Approximately 215 Ponz - Much of J'siris' weight comes from his well-toned and muscular, powerful frame, as well as his height.Body: Tall, athletic and immensely strong, with powerful, well-toned muscles. He's barrel-chested, broad-shouldered, with a thick torso of solid muscle, a smidgen of belly fat, and more or less built like a walking brick wall. He has a number of scars across his torso, arms, and legs are criss-crossed with faded scars. One of his most striking features is his very long, very fluffy and very expressive tail with sleek, jet-black silky fur.Complexion: A deep, dark, rich umber-brown; warm in tone and evocative of the rich, nurturing black soil. His body bears the scars of many adventures and many brawls, yet his face is free (for the most part) of scars and blemishes.Face: In a word, handsome, with a defined broad jaw, broad aquiline nose, and black tribal tattoos around his eyes. The tattoos add to and enhance to his features instead of detracting from them, serving only to draw further emphasis to his eyes - a very striking, vibrant mid-tone blue. There are subtle and faint scars on his chin, nose and cheeks, but are hard to detect. He has high cheekbones, and would likely be described as having Egyptian and North African heritage in the real world.Hair: Thick, black and shiny. He wears his hair long, reaching his shoulders, and kept in a more rugged style... If it can be called a style. Looks very fetching though. He keeps his hair very clean, shiny and well conditioned, being most fussy about it! It’s wonderfully soft. Really, he's just showing off.Fashion: In a word, scruffy. J'siris presents well, yet he has a rugged look to him. He prefers wearing blacks and browns, or deeper-toned reds, pale blues, greens and various hues of yellow and gold. J'siris isn't shy about dressing in a manner that is flattering.


Disciple of War

When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, there is no equal to one J'siris Tia. A pacifist Monk trained by a former Fist of Rhalgr, J'siris is fast, strong and precise. This is only enhanced his by his massive size, weight and powerful, muscular build.Because of his training, J'siris is well-versed in many forms of Martial Arts, including his favorite style resembling the real-world Northern Shaolin Kung-Fu for fast and powerful strikes. His favorite defensive style is akin to real-world Ba Gua Zhang.In addition, J'siris' sketchy past has made him a master of stealth, on par with any shinobi. Only another Monk, one trained as a Ninja, or one of whom is highly perceptive, might be able to find him in the shadows... If it's not too late for him to clobber someone senseless, that is.J'siris may occasionally fight in training, in sporting competitions or for his spiritual practice. If pressed, J'siris will only fight to protect a loved-one or in pure self-defense. If he is assisting another in battle, he will act in a more supportive role.

Disciple of Magic

J'siris has no skill in the magical arts. He can understand magical theory well-enough, but often under the terms of the Monk's teachings.Bless his heart, he tries on occasion... only to nearly blow himself up.

Disciple of the Hand and Land

J'siris is a highly talented and skilled, imaginative chef! He loves to cook, he loves food and everything about cooking and food. Cooking and food is the man's zeal and passion, and the one thing he most dearly loves as a hobby and creative pursuit.On top of that, he is also a fine carpenter, often found making wooden toys, trinkets and the like.

Key Weaknesses

J'siris' greatest strength – his Oath of Pacifism – is also his greatest weakness. While he will never aim to truly injure, maim or kill, an opponent may not have such a boundary. As such, he may be forced to flee the battlefield if he cannot do a peaceful, non-lethal take-down of an enemy.J'siris also has no defense against those with powerful skill in the magical arts, nor can he counter a Disciple of Magic very well, should it come to pass. His training as a Monk allows him to be strong and durable, but he will seek alternative means to either defend himself or flee if possible.

RP Hooks

Some RP Hooks maybe rather Lore-Bendy! Please approach with this in mind. J'siris is a pretty flexible sort of character, of whom can fit into most situations and genres, give or take my own personal preferences.

• Big Bear - J'siris is a big bear of a Miqo'te – well over 6'5" in height, and built like a solid brick wall born and bred in the mountains. That alone will make him stand out!

• A Big Brother - Due to his close ties to his family, J'siris is very gentle and nurturing to anyone who meets him – especially women, children and teenagers. Need a big brother? Look no further.

• A Carpenter - J'siris is fond of carpentry, and can often be fond whittling away. He likes to make wooden toys, figures, decorative statues and tribal-themed jewelry. He's quite good at it, too.

• A Chef - If there's one thing J'siris loves more than carpentry, it's cooking! He loves food. He loves cooking food, tasting food, thinking about food, the scientific art of making good food, creating and discovering new recipes for tasty food, experimenting with food... He is a man of whom loves food. It's the way he expresses his deep sense of love.

• The Humble Abode - In connection to his deep love of food, J'siris has the dream of one day opening and running his own restaurant called The Humble Abode. He is currently working very hard to achieve this goal!

• A Family Man - Above everything else, J'siris is deeply loyal to his family. He loves his brothers, his baby sister, his home tribe, and anyone he calls family. There is no deeper love in his life than his love for his family. He'd make a wonderful husband and father, if he ever had the interest for such!

• A Frontiersman - J'siris had never been one to stay in one place for long, and he enjoys his wanderings out in the wilderness and the frontier lands of Eorzea and beyond. His favorites places to go are the Dravanian Hinterlands out near Tailfeather, and in the deeper parts of the Sagoli Desert. perhaps you may have seen him?

• Pacifist Monk - After many years of his younger years devoted to bloodshed and trauma, J'siris sought the aid of a former Ala Mhigan Fist of Rhalgr named Coelmund Duskwalker. Inheriting his mentor's Soulstone, J'siris is a powerful Monk, skilled in hand-to-hand combat in all forms. However, he has more so deeply taken to the spiritual teachings of the Monks, taking on a Vow of Pacifism. Never shall he lay a hand of harm on another, nor shall he take a life.

• The Death Hand - While he'll never speak of such, J'siris was once a feared and deadly Assassin called "The Death Hand" – a single touch from his hands brought death. When he must operate under the mantle of the feared Assassin, he acts with perfect stealth, accuracy and deadliness. It is under the mantle of The Death Hand that he is at his most feared and most fit in combat. But he much prefers his new peaceful life and his pacifism. Perhaps you, as a member of the underworld, may have heard of the The Death Hand, and seek him out...

• SPIDERS – J'siris absolutely hates spiders. Hates, hates, HATES spiders! Make of that what you will. Might be funny to scare the bejesus out of him by mentioning "Hey, there's a spider on your shoulder"...

• True Love? – J'siris is single and available to be shipped. Keep in mind, he is also Asexual and Aromantic, so any sort of Romance will be a very slow-burn, and anything related to sex will naturally default to a "fade-to-black" scene. If he had to guess an attraction, he would state a preference for Miqo'te women, but is otherwise uninterested to anyone's advances. Or oblivious.

OOC Information

Personal RP Boundaries

I Will RP...

  • General RP

  • Character-Based RP

  • Campaign RP

  • Slice of Life RP

Ask Me First...

  • Lore-Bending & High Fantasy

  • Mature Themes

  • Injuries/Torture

  • Dark/Criminal Themes

  • Romantic RP

No Thanks...

  • Death/Maiming

  • Rape/Sexual Assault

  • Polyamory

  • Erotic RP

About Me

I am longtime fandom veteran with 20+ years of writing, story-telling and art experience under my belt.I am something of a reserved person, and Trust in my RP Partner is first and foremost in any interaction. Walk-ups, tells or Discord messages are very welcome.IC and OOC are entirely seperate things! My characters are fictional fanfiction characters in a video game, and do not reflect me as a person. I understand that people are people, and that due to the collaborative and sometimes intimate nature of RP, things happen. However, this does not grant permission or allowances for IC and OOC to bleed. If bleed happens, I expect all parties involved to be able to step back and collect themselves. If the problem persists, the RP is over and contact is cut.I am in the EST Timezone. I am active most evenings from 5:30-9:30 PM (EST), and all-day most weekends Saturdays & Sundays. I will go to bed at early times due to preference.I am on the Balmung Server!I am supportive of the LGBTQ+ Community and players, even when I myself am not LGBTQ+. As such, I do not RP with anyone of whom uses transphobic terms such as futa/trap/etc to describe their character.

Contact Me

You can best contact me through the following methods:
In-Game: J'siris Tia @ Balmung – Tells Preferred!
Discord: Available on Request